
Learn about our offerings and contact us when you are ready.

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A general reading of your energetic field. I will scan the layers of your light body to provide an overview of your mental/emotional/spiritual health and how to improve and maintain it. Additionally, you may ask for guidance about any area of your life. This session is designed to be informational and purposeful in getting you back on track to your goals or setting new intentions. Your reading may be accomplished intuitively, through guide communication, or with shamanic tools. Includes an Energy Clearing.

30 min


We can discuss the energy regarding any situation and your relationship to it, with the goal of identifying its impact and movement in your life. This session features a card reading from one of my select decks using an intuitive spread based on your concerns, plus a look at any important planetary transits happening in your life right now to aid in forecasting an outcome.

30/60 min


A look at your natal astrological chart to reveal a unique perspective on yourself, with the goal of helping you understand the key energies that operate in your life as reflected in the cosmos. This session is designed to offer self-clarity by addressing main themes you are experiencing in this lifetime. Includes a written personal profile delivered after the session.

90 min



Energy work focused on your luminous body to help restore it to its natural flow state. Using extrasensory perception, I engage your light body and open a channel to your spiritual guidance team to address and repair any distortions in your fieldThis therapeutic session is designed for routine spiritual care and involves moving, clearing and restoring energy to allow for circumstance-changing effects. If you’re feeling “off”, are sick or injured, simply need a boost, or are new to energy healing then this is a great place to start.

~60 min


Heavy integrative work as we explore belief systems, transpersonal limitations, or harmful patterns relevant to your situation. I will use shamanic techniques to track the energy and help you transmute it through a personal medicine journey, which involves traveling with your light body to receive medicine from spirit or to meet unconscious aspects of yourself. This offering is designed for deep healing, releasing trauma, creating lasting change, or addressing specific wounds you carry. Includes a Luminous Body Attunement.

~90 min



A session designed to activate coded information available to aid you on your spiritual path. These potentials already exist in your luminous field, and also in your DNA, and could come through as ancestral gifts, angelic frequencies, or galactic seedings amongst others. This offering is meant to unlock personal gateways through self-illumination and is intended only for anyone doing their inner work, or in preparation of service; you know who you are. 

~30 min


These live, walk-in sessions are meant to encourage anyone to explore and receive energy work. Sessions are short and vary from week-to-week in order to present different types of energy work and healing. This is a great way to observe or try out the services of the clinic. 

Donation based


Please contact me for a consultation.

All sessions are virtual. Some services are available in person if you are local to the SF Bay Area, California; reach out for more information.